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Current Job Openings at GNY
Cyber Liability Coverage
Current Job Openings at GNY
GNY is always looking for candidates to fill opportunities in the job positions listed below:
- Commercial Underwriting
- Commercial Claims (Property, Liability, Workers Comp)
- Legal
- Product Development
- Information Technology
- Corporate Functions
GNY also offers many benefits for employees. Make sure to check out our careers page to learn more!
Cyber Liability Coverage
Computer attacks, viruses and network security liability claims are on the rise. In 93% of cases, it took attackers minutes or less to compromise systems.* CyberOne insurance coverage and risk management tools can help protect your business.
* 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report, VerizonEnterprise.com
As one of the largest regional P&C insurers in the country, GNY is committed to the communities and businesses we protect.