Important Message to Direct Bill Policyholders:
Please be advised that effective July 1, 2022, all payments received after the premium due date will be charged a late fee of $50*. Also, for policies which are effective on or after July 1, 2022, the installment fee will increase from $6 to $10 per payment. For information on how to schedule recurring payments electronically, please enroll here.
* Late fee for Maryland policies will be assessed at $10.
There is no change to the $20 Insufficient Fund Fee - in addition to whatever amount is charged by the banks - for all bounced checks.
NEW ONLINE PAYMENT SITE – Please click here for instructions.
New York Billing Contact Information
Email -
Phone - (800) 522-5504 ext. 1218
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET
Lockbox Information
Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company
P.O. Box 787892
Philadelphia, PA 19178-7892
Overnight Mail
Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company
Lockbox Services – 787892
2005 Market Street, 5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7042
Welcome to our new online payment portal powered by E-Bill Express. We welcome your feedback at
Pay Direct Bill Policies online, anytime, free.
Please have available:
- Your policy number (example: 1138D12085)
- The first eight digits of the valid Account Number to which the policy corresponds. Please refer to the ‘Common Policy Declarations’ page of your policy and/or the premium notice invoice for the Account Number. Click here for an example of an Account Number on the premium notice invoice.
- Premium amount
- Bank routing number
- Bank account number
E-Bill will:
- Display total premium
- Issue on screen confirmation and printable receipt
- Send emails confirming payment
- Display all policies included in your account
You can:
- Securely save your banking information
- Schedule future payments when creating a login account (including endorsements and installments)
- View bill statements
- View a history of payments made online
Additional information:
- Payments made via this website should be made at least 5 business days before the due date to avoid cancellation
- You can cancel your payment before 8:00 p.m. ET
- If your ACH payment rejects, a cancellation notice for nonpayment will be issued
- Credit balances cannot be offset on this website. Contact GNY's Billing Department to receive a refund
- We will be contacting you annually to certify your access to our website
Overnight Remittance Address
Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company
Lockbox Services – 787892
2005 Market Street, 5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7042