Success Stories

A GNY Affiliated Broker on the Company's Ethos
“Working with GNY is like working with a well-oiled machine. When I see the adjuster’s name on a new claim, I know that we have a relationship. The adjuster will be familiar with the client, the building and the situation. We work as partners for the benefit of our clients.”
Fernando Salgado
Senior Claims Advocate, Bollinger, Inc., a subsidiary of Arthur J. Gallagher & Company
A Property Manager On GNY's Property Claims Handling
“Any company can write a policy, but you don't really know what they're made of until you have a significant claim. If anyone asks, I say 'go with Greater New York,' because they go out of their way to help clients. As far as I'm concerned, GNY can write anything for me.”
Elaine Alexis
Director of Property Management, Barrington Management Company
A Building Owner On The GNY 'Difference'
“For me, it’s nice to know that you can pick up the phone and talk to decision makers and get answers. It’s a very different feeling with GNY. I can’t think of another company where you can call and get the top people to give you attention and quick action. It’s good to have a company like that behind you.”
Len Katz
Partner, Katz Realty Group
Why A Property Manager Always Recommends GNY
“GNY handles claims professionally, efficiently and fairly. They really step up to the plate and demonstrate how much they value our overall, long term business relationship. That attitude is a key reason why I recommend them all the time.”
Michael Berenson
President, AKAM® Associates, Inc.
A GNY Affiliated Broker on Working with GNY
“Personally I can’t say enough about GNY’s claims staff and how they do business. They are one of my favorite companies to work with. We’ve grown together and I know it’s a partnership that will keep on growing in the future.”
Cindy Beaudin
Claims Manager, Brown & Brown of MA, LLC DBA Richard W. Endlar Insurance Agency
GNY Quickly Pays $1,000,000 Claim to New Client
“What happens if you've just moved your business to a new insurer, then suffer a million dollar loss? That's exactly what one of my clients found out right after he moved the coverage for his large condominium complex to GNY. In true GNY fashion, GNY paid the initial, major portion of the loss-$1,000,000-within 90 days of the fire. The company stepped right up to the plate to do the right thing immediately, without being pressured. That just proves the old adage: all insurance companies seem the same, until you have a loss. That's when GNY truly shines.”
Paul E. Felsen
CPCU, GNY Affiliated Producer
Property Owner Says “GNY...No Question!”
“One of my property manager clients has a portfolio of different size buildings. I explained to him that he might want to consider insuring different size buildings with different size companies. But after the experience he’s had with GNY on just a few of his properties, he stated that his property should be insured with GNY, no question.”
Sal LoPinto
GNY Affiliated Producer