Dog Park Rules and Regulations

Dog Park - Icon
  1. Post a "Park Rules" sign listing the rules and regulations of the dog park. For specifics, click here.
  2. Click here for a list of Park Requirements.
  3. Check with town and/or county's ordinances to make sure you comply with all local requirements.
  4. Click here for a list of additional considerations.
  5. Click here for photo examples of some of these rules and regulations.

Submitting a Claim to GNY

To submit a claim after an animal-related loss refer to the guides here

This material is informational only. It is not intended to be, and is not in fact, a statement, in whole or in part, of GNY’s underwriting guidelines. Nothing said here amends or affects the interpretation, application, or both, of the coverage provisions in any GNY insurance policy; nor do the statements made here constitute a representation that insurance coverage exists for any loss under any GNY policy. Coverage depends on facts and circumstances of each individual claim or loss, the applicable laws, and the policy provisions in the GNY insurance policy.